Wellness tips for Autumn

As dark nights approach, the change to shorter and busier days can be challenging. To ease that transition we’ve put together 7 Autumn Wellness Tips to keep you healthy and happy during the upcoming colder months. 

Autumn is a time of letting go and inward nourishment. Nature reflects this beautifully as the nutrients from the leaves move down to the roots of the trees causing leaves to turn gold and fall to the ground. This process creates fertile ground for fresh growth in Spring. Similarly, the human body naturally craves an inward focus. The autumn months are about slowing down, for our bodies to harvest and gather energy.


Autumn also marks the start of flu season so it’s important to boost your immune system. 70% of our immune system is within our gut so we must look after our Microbiome. Eating local, seasonal food gives our bodies what they naturally need. Foods with vitamin C (limes, oranges, and clementines) are key to fighting off infections. Garlic, ginger, spinach, and almonds are also excellent when it comes to boosting your health and immunity. Some other nutrient dense options include, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, crab apples, cranberries, and turnips. Winter months can make us crave fast food, treats and sweets as our bodies need more energy to keep warm as we continue working, parenting, exercising etc. Sweet treats are fine every now and then, but to stay well try to balance that with nourishing foods too.


Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. One of our main sources of Vitamin D is daylight, in Autumn we lose several hours of daylight. That’s why it’s important to either take a supplement or eat a varied diet in order to maintain appropriate vitamin D levels. Cod liver oil, salmon, tuna, and milk are great ways to get your vitamin D. Vitamin D supplement can boost your mood and immune system! Vitamin C plays a vital role in immune support so that your body can fight colds and flus. Adaptogens are also incredibly powerful, they are compounds of specific herbs, foods and mushrooms that support the body’s natural ability to deal with emotional and physical stress.


We can still lose the same amount of fluid in cooler months as in warmer months, but we are less likely to drink water when the temperatures drop so we must remind ourselves to drink plenty of water throughout the day. As the heating goes on, hydration is also very important to avoid dry or chapped skin too.

Enjoy Exercise

Exercise shouldn’t be stressful or punishing to your body – it should energise you and be something that you like doing. If you are stuck in a calorie burning exercise cycle, it’s worth looking at your relationship with food. High intensity exercise can increase stress levels and cortisol in your body, which are usually already high with stressful workloads. Stress depletes our immune system. So, instead try lower intensity, fun exercise like walking with a friend. Take in the beauty of the changing leaves, the crisp air, and the sounds of nature. Nature walks boost your mood and creativity while also relaxing you. Walks will also strengthen your lungs while also helping you achieve mental clarity and emotional balance. In classical Chinese medicine, the lung is described as “the receiver of the pure Qi from the Heavens”. When the lung (Metal) energy is out of balance the body begins to stiffen up. That’s when we can become more prone to infection. Raking the leaves outside also works perfectly, and tidies up the drive!


As the sun goes down earlier, it can throw off your natural circadian rhythm. Try to maintain a sleep schedule of at least seven hours and keep your normal bedtime and waking hours the same as the rest of the year. Prepare yourself for earlier evenings and shorter days by going to bed earlier before you have to change the clocks. Soaking in a bath before bed can help improve sleep. Epsom salts contain sulphates and magnesium which help with the removal of toxins and ease arthritis pain, which can flare up in cold weather.


Throughout the cold and flu season, it’s a good idea to frequently clean areas which would be most likely to collect germs like the kitchen and bathrooms. Mobile phones, keyboards, remotes, and tablets are all also germ habitats. Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of bugs and flus.

Check ups

Another autumn wellness tip is to see your doctor. Schedule a checkup for routine screenings to ensure you’re healthy all year long and make sure you get your vaccinations to stay well.





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